Lyme disease inspired an easier way to feed hay
Master and I were both bitten by ticks carrying Lyme disease.

Saves me money, hay, mess and effort!
Easy to appreciate movement
I know the horses are the main reason I’m able to do more than many who have Lyme.
Time spent on the neuro floor at the hospital gave me a whole new appreciation for movement and mobility. It’s amazing how quickly people adapt and innovate to find new ways of doing things.
Thanks to family and friends
Equine Lyme Neuroborreliosis
My horse Master was bitten in 2011 and by 2012 had the similar neurological and cardiac symptoms to my own. He had a resting heart rate of 180 bpm – while tranquilized!

Lyme bacteria are spiral shaped – the fact that I have CURLY horses with SPIRAL manes and tails and get infected, by a such a bacteria, is one of life’s little ironies.
Crowdfunding – what’s that?
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Crowdfunding NOW on Kickstarter!
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When a donut is healthy for your horse!
Before I heard about crowdfunding, I did not have the resources or the energy to bring it to market. Up until I filed my patent, only a handful of people ever saw one. My first prototype is 4 years old and still in use. Last year I came up with a stall size and it cut my work in half!
The first person to own a Tumble Feeder, used it for one day and wanted another.
I was going to bootstrap the idea, but I didn’t want to get more orders than I could promptly fill. Now I have sourced the materials, have a production and packing crew lined up and will be ready to go soon with your support.
Any profit I make from selling the feeders will help further my recovery. I also have other feeder models and accessories I’d like to develop and bring to market, including a round bale model.
Click here for a sneak peak at some of the features!